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10 Jobs Abroad that you should never apply for: 10 worst jobs

Before traveling abroading you have to put some things into consideration. To not fall victim of the following Jobs.
Here’s a list of some of the worst jobs in America, in alphabetical order, based on salary, benefits, job opportunities, and worker health and safety concerns.

1. Assembly Worker

Assembly workers fit together the component parts of a product or segment of a product using tools, machines, and their hands. 

Factors Impacting Rating
Accidents and injuries are fairly common in production facilities. Tasks can be very repetitive, adding to the stress level of workers.

2. Bank Teller

Bank tellers assist patrons with deposits and withdrawals, cash checks, reconcile balances, and communicate information about fees, policies and bank services.

Factors Impacting Rating
Bank teller jobs are projected to decline by 8 percent from 2016 through 2026 due to the increase in mobile and online banking and the use of ATMs. Wages are low, averaging about $13.52 per hour and many jobs are part-time without benefits.

3. Coal Miner

Coal miners extract coal from underground mines or participate in strip mining activities. They dig tunnels, operate machinery, transport coal out of the mines, and secure the mines.

4. Farm Worker

Farm workers cultivate and fertilize fields, plant and harvest crops, and operate farm machinery. They convey harvested crops to storage areas.
Factors Impacting Rating
Many farm jobs are seasonal and carry limited benefits and low pay ($11.41 per hour). Consolidation of farms into large, automated operations has limited opportunities with a projected 0% increase in jobs from 2016-2026. Long hours in often unpleasant weather conditions are negative factors for farm workers.

5. Fast Food and Short Order Cook

Fast food and short order cooks prepare meals for patrons of fast food establishments, diners, and other non-premium eateries.
Factors Impacting Rating
Cooks often work long hours and have frequent evening and weekend shifts. Kitchens can be overheated, and burns, cuts, and minor accidents are common. Wages are low, averaging $11.52 per hour and job growth is expected to be only 6% from 2016-2026.

6. Postal Service Worker
Postal workers sort and deliver the mail and assist post office patrons with their mailing needs.
Factors Impacting Rating
Automated bill paying and the increase in electronic mail have reduced opportunities to work with the post service. The BLS estimates a 13 percent decline in jobs from 2016 to 2026. Delivery workers must cope with adverse weather conditions, expanded territories, and close monitoring of productivity.  
7. Retail Sales Associate
Retail sales associates stock and display merchandise, advise customers, promote products, and process transactions.
Factors Impacting Rating
Retail employees are often asked to work evenings, weekends and holidays. Many positions are part-time and do not carry benefits. Pay is low, averaging $11.24 per hour. Job growth is expected to be lower than average from 2016-2026, only 2%.The rise in online shopping has reduced the number of jobs available at some stores.

8. Taxi Driver

Taxi drivers transport customers to airports and other destinations. They collect fares and conduct conversations with passengers.

Factors Impacting Rating

Taxi drivers must cope with the stress of traffic and are confronted with the potential danger of accidents. The emergence of driving services like Uber and Lyft have made it more challenging for full-time taxi drivers to earn a good living. Wages averaged only $11.96 per hour in May 2017. 

9. Logger

Logging workers cut down trees, operate machinery to transport logs, cut logs into desired lengths, and maintain equipment.

10. Medical Transcriptionist
Medical transcriptionists convert recordings of patient interactions by physicians and other healthcare professionals to written documents. They interpret medical terms and abbreviations.

Factors Impacting Rating
Opportunities are expected to decline by 3 percent from 2016 through 2026 due to productivity gains and an increase in direct recording of case notes by physicians. Salaries are relatively low, averaging $16.95 per hour.