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21 ways to increase you income and earn quick promotion

The following factors must be put into consideration if you want to increase your income...

Consider the following 21 suggestions that will help you create a connected, relationship-based workplace. It takes time and genuine effort, but the impact is powerful beyond measure.

  1. Be a good listener: Employees will be motivated when you listen in the present moment with empathy and understanding.
  2. Coach, mentor and develop your associates: Provide ample opportunities for growth and development.
  3. Ask better questions and offer support.
  4. Tell the truth.
  5. Hold yourself accountable.
  6. Be approachable. Have an open door policy.
  7. Celebrate successes.
  8. Make work interesting and challenging.
  9. Trust people to make the right decisions. This boosts confidence and cultivates mutual respect.
  10. Support and encourage health and wellness programs.
  11. Be flexible with scheduling, whenever possible.
  12. Avoid judgments and quick assumptions. Instead, pause and seek to understand.
  13. Affirm or enhance self-esteem.
  14. Say "thank you" for a job well done, and be specific with your feedback.
  15. Observe the day-to-day operations and make time to personally connect with others.
  16. Relinquish control. Doing so empowers employees and fosters confidence-building opportunities.
  17. Practice mindfulness. Know the impact of your words and actions.
  18. Commit to ongoing personal growth and build the habits that you want others to emulate.
  19. Be humble; be teachable. Do not be afraid to admit your mistakes.
  20. Encourage creativity. Endeavor to be open to new ideas.
  21. Be courageous enough to lead with your heart.

10 ways to win people over
So how do you win people over?
While there are many ways to achieve this, I’ve outlined 14 key ways that will help you yield better results right away.
1. Get Yourself Together.
It all starts with you. If you’re a mess, your influence will be greatly limited. You have to take care of yourself and have your act together. No one wants to be friends with someone who is always needing help and is incapable of helping someone else. Put yourself in a position of strength by having your life together (as much as possible…no one has it ALL together)
2. Make Everyone Feel Important.
Pretend that every person you meet and come in contact with has a sign above their head that says “MAKE ME FEEL IMPORTANT”. Everyone wants to be acknowledged. Everyone wants to feel like they matter. Even a quick encounter with a stranger can impact them in positive ways if you make them feel important. You’ll never get everyone to like you, but if you make everyone feel important, you’ll have a much easier time achieving your goals.
3. Encourage Them & Their Dreams
There’s an abundance of people spouting off negativity. People who are waiting to knock someone down a peg by telling them not to dream too high. Don’t be one those people. Be an encourager and supporter of people. Your opinion on whether or not someone can achieve their dream doesn’t matter. You’re not in charge of their potential. Be the person who lifts people up rather than drags them down.
4. Compliment Them In Front Of Others.
My wife is quite possibly the most humble person on the planet. She doesn’t seek compliments. She’s the opposite of me. Sometimes I feel like I spend my day fishing for compliments. And by “sometimes” I mean “all the time”. Regardless of whether or not a person is seeking that type of recognition or not, they appreciate it when it happens. Complimenting someone is always a good thing. Doing it publicly increases its effectiveness by 100.
5. Help Them.
Want to make friends with someone and win them over to your side? Help them. Ideally, help them with something they can’t do themselves. Here’s the key that can be easily missed…volunteer your help, don’t wait to be asked. It shows you’re thinking of the person and that you care. Even if they don’t accept your offer, they’ll appreciate that you thought of them and were willing to help.
6. Don’t Just Hear Them, Listen.
Why is listening so hard? I’m not complaining about how listening has become a lost art. I’m not the best listener myself. Don’t just hear what someone is saying. Listen. Then show them that you’ve listened. A simple test that you can do to see if you listened to someone or just heard them is to see if you can remember and repeat their story.
7. Let Them Know You Need Them.
Everyone wants to be needed. Your friends want to be great friends. You need to be vulnerable and let people know when you need them. I’m the worst at this. Asking for help isn’t easy. But when you do, you’re giving someone the chance to be the hero. They’ll love you for that. It makes them feel good to be of assistance. Never be so macho that you can’t tell someone you need them.
8. Openly Give Credit.
Give credit, take blame. All great leaders do this. If you want to win people over, give them credit whenever it’s due. Do it publicly and do it often. No one is going to get tired of you giving them credit for their contributions and achievements.
9. Treat Them Better Than They Treat You.
Friendship 101: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Perhaps there’s a relationship that you feel could be more beneficial than it is currently. For example, a business acquaintance that isn’t sending you as many referrals as they could. How do you handle this? Easily, make it a habit of treating people better than they treat you.
10. Enthusiasm & Positivity Are Contagious.
There is so much negativity, fear, and scarcity-based attitudes in the world. Stand out by being a positive person. Enthusiasm is like a magnet. People can’t help but be attracted to it. The world follows enthusiastic leaders. It’s a key element of getting people on board with your vision. Don’t hide it.