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See what "Auto correction" cause me after my job interview

A true life experience which i wanted to share with you.
We have to be very careful in whatever we are doing or about doing, must especially anything related to applying for job, because any little mistake can cause you alot. Go through this article which i believed it will be of benefit.

I had just finished interviewing with a company for a nonprofit job that I really wanted. I decided to be super-proactive and email the executive director a few hours after my interview. I was out and about, so I emailed her from my iPhone.
While I thought I wrote “I can hardly contain my excitement about the possibility of working with your organization,” auto-correct changed “excitement” to “excrement.” It was far and away the worst auto-correct disaster I have ever had. I immediately called the executive director back to apologize profusely. She was laughing so hard on the other end that I knew my auto-correct nightmare wouldn’t hijack all of my chances for getting the job.
While I didn’t end up getting the job there, I did remain connected with the executive director. She said she would “never forget me.” There’s no way I’ll ever forget it either!

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